Friday, November 21, 2008


So, regular contractions have stopped. I have no idea what's going on. What's funny is we're joking he's waiting until Grandma can get here. My mom got stranded in the middle of the night on her way here in Springfield, OH, with a flat tire. Someone had stolen her spare a while ago too! Luckily, she was at a rest area. Unluckily, nothing was open to help her. My dad drove out and they had to wait until something opened this morning to get a new tire.

I'm going to call the dr's office to let them know what happened and see if I need to come in for a check. I know baby's fine, because he's actually quite active this morning (and was last night during contractions). They got stronger at the end, then just kind of stopped. I went to sleep to get some rest, fully expecing to wake up and go to the hospital.

I'll keep you updated...

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