Monday, October 6, 2008

31 Weeks and Dr Appt

Wow... 31 weeks! In the single digits of weeks left. :) I've still been feeling great, other than tiring out easily. My sciatic nerve/back only bothers me when I've been doing a lot of walking; now it's more the ligament pain that gives me grief. It's not all that often, though. I can tell baby is getting bigger -- sometimes it even hurts when he moves! And he moves quite often... :)

I went to the dr today for another checkup. Dr. Stowell said everything seems perfect. He thinks the baby will land somewhere in between my previous two (Lauren was 8 lbs 3 oz and Carter was 9 lbs 12 oz), although Matt teases me that he'll be even bigger than Carter. Let's hope not! He's definitely head down and has a great heartbeat. He's also gone through a growth spurt since my last appointment, as I'm now measuring 3 weeks ahead! So when will he come? Let's hope at least a little early... I don't think I can last another 8-9 weeks! As for me, my blood pressure is still great, and since I found out I was pregnant I've gained 20 lbs. :)

The first is me today... The second is with Lauren at 31 weeks (at my baby shower with Mandy, who was 26 weeks pregnant with Sam!). It's the same shirt, and no it didn't shrink! He's definitely lower and bigger!


Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!

Nikki said...

But you're so cute, Mandy! :)

Anonymous said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck...